Campaigning for independence
A refreshed case for an independent Scotland requires a fresh campaign – a campaign that understands the new circumstances and also the modern media landscape.
Westminster isn’t delivering for energy rich Scotland
I’m old enough to remember when the Labour Party said they’d cut heating bills by £300. Cast your mind back to July and you’ll remember it was all over Labour leaflets and heard repeatedly in speeches. Now we know the truth. Because the reality is the British Government, in its most recent red incarnation, will…
Starmer’s made it clear just how little he thinks of Scotland’s cities
Edinburgh is one the UK’s most ancient cities – a place steeped in history. It is a powerhouse of the Scottish and UK economies as the centre of a thriving and prosperous financial services sector, the second largest outside London and with a GDP of £31.8 billion in 2022. It’s also a key driver of…
Making our own choices with independence
Ten years on from the referendum, people in Scotland are looking forward towards the nation they believe we will become with independence.
Scotland’s future is as an independent nation
The referendum captured the imagination of the entire country, and Scotland was bursting with hope and optimism. Let’s commit to rediscovering that spirit and taking our positive vision to every part of Scotland.
Five key things Scotland can do with independence
In the decade since the independence referendum, Westminster has consistently shown that it cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of Scotland.
Building hope and optimism in Scotland after a disastrous decade for Brexit Britain
It’s a strange sensation to look back at the first independence referendum. Because despite ending up on the losing side – I can’t help but be reminded of a deep sense of hope and optimism.
Independence offers a break from Westminster’s control
Independence is essential to making Scotland a fairer country.