New poll: a clear majority of people in Scotland back independence

The latest poll by Ipsos MORI shows that Scottish independence is now backed by a clear majority of people in Scotland, with Yes ahead on 55%.

This brings independence support back to the levels it was consistently at in the summer of 2020 and early 2021.

Here’s a brief analysis of how the data breaks down and what the recent polling trends show.

Majority of Scots want a referendum in this term of Parliament

Polls make it clear that Boris Johnson’s Tory government should not stand in the way of a referendum on Scotland’s future.

The Times/YouGov poll from November 2021 poll shows that with undecideds excluded, 53% of people want a referendum to take place in this term of the Scottish Parliament.

This also reflects a recent Panelbase poll, conducted earlier in November, which showed a 54% support for a referendum within this term.

There’s a clear mandate for a referendum

The Scottish Parliament election in May 2021 resulted in:

  • The highest ever number of pro-independence votes (SNP + Greens)
  • The highest ever pro-independence vote share
  • Increased majority of pro-independence MSPs
  • A pro-independence SNP-Green government, with both parties pledging to hold indyref2

In 2011, the SNP won 45.4% on the constituency vote, which was accepted as an unquestionable mandate for a referendum.

According to that precedent, the current mandate is even more solid. In 2021, the SNP won 47.7% on the constituency vote, and pro-independence parties won over 50% on the regional vote.

All age groups under 54 support independence

The latest Ipsos MORI polling reveals that almost three quarters – 71% – of 18-34 year olds would vote Yes.

There is also a very clear majority support for independence among 35-44 year olds – 63% – and 45-54 year olds, at 58%.

Among 55-64 year olds, the numbers are neck and neck, with Yes at 49% and No at 51%.

6 out of 8 Scottish regions show a majority for Yes

According to the latest Ipsos poll, only one Scottish region has a majority for No – the South of Scotland.

6 out of 8 have majority support for independence, with the North East evenly split between Yes and No.

Highlands and Islands (65%) and Glasgow (64%) have the highest levels, with above-average Yes support also in Central Scotland (59%) and Lothian (56%).

In 2014, just 4 out of Scotland’s 32 local authority areas voted Yes.

Scotland’s voters overwhelmingly reject Boris Johnson

After the Tory sleaze and corruption scandal, a chaotic Brexit, a cost of living crisis and a rambling speech about Peppa Pig, Boris Johnson’s approval ratings in Scotland have plummeted to a record low.

According to Ipsos MORI, 80% of people are now dissatisfied, with only 16% satisfied. That’s a net approval rating of -64.

In stark contrast, Nicola Sturgeon has an approval rating of +20, with 58% of people expressing satisfaction with the First Minister.

Democracy must, and will, prevail

There’s a clear majority support for independence, and a clear mandate for an independence referendum.

Nicola Sturgeon has recently set out that the Scottish Government has re-started the work on a detailed case for independence, and Covid-permitting, the campaign will begin in earnest in 2022.

The Scottish Government intends to hold a referendum in 2023, and as STV’s senior political correspondent said: “It is not credible” for politicians to deny Scotland’s right to choose.

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