Why is the UK so unequal?
The UK has the worst levels of inequality of any country in north west Europe.
Research from the House of Commons Library confirms the 2016 Oxfam report, which concluded that “the UK is one of the most unequal developed countries in the world”.
Since that Oxfam report, inequality rose even further as the impacts of 13 years of UK austerity, and Brexit, continue to bite.
Meanwhile, countries with populations similar or smaller to Scotland – such as Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland or Norway – all have significantly more equal and fairer societies than that of the UK. A situation that has not only occurred under the Tories but also the last Labour government.
Due to austerity cuts imposed by the Tories, one in six working households in the UK now live in poverty – including around 4.3 million children, according to CPAG.
And while the UK is already one of the most unequal countries in Europe and the world, more years of Westminster control risk entrenching poverty and inequality further still.
With independence, Scotland will have all the powers necessary to rebalance our economy in favour of people and to build a fairer future.