We’re launching new Yes campaign resources

The success of independence, and indeed the SNP, in recent decades is very much down to the hard work and graft of our top class activists who have paved the way for an independent Scotland to now be considered an inevitability.

For our activists to do what they are so good at, we – as a party – have a responsibility to arm them with the tools they need to engage with people in every community across Scotland and outline how they can enjoy a better future as part of an independent county.

The SNP have already built a Yes campaigning website and accompanying social media channels that have an array of articles, infographics and videos that we can all view and share with our friends, family and followers.

And the party launched the new SNP WhatsApp channel around a month ago which is delivering the latest updates directly to activists’ mobile phones – giving key information that can be shared as widely as possible.

At a time when research tells us that “peer-to-peer activism” is one of the most effective. And, let’s be honest, of course it is! We are all more likely to listen to people who are like ourselves because we believe that they understand our lives, ambitions and hopes (usually because they do).

In the SNP, we are incredibly fortunate to have tens of thousands of members right across Scotland who can speak to their peers every single day – be it friends, families, neighbours, colleagues. Every time we share the resources the SNP is producing with these groups, we are helping to get our positive message out there and make sure as many people across Scotland as possible recognise the opportunities of independence.

Today, the party is launching many new independence campaign resources on the Yes Scotland website. These are the tools which will empower us all to make the case for independence, and rebut some of the ludicrous and laughable scaremongering theories opposition parties continue peddle.The resources include:

A brand new leaflet – ‘Say YES to Independence’ – which highlights how Westminster doesn’t work for Scotland and explains why independence will work for Scotland.

The first of many issue-based leaflets focused on answering key questions about independence – including pensions, borders and currency.

A substantial new Q&A resource on our Yes website, with briefings on the key issues surrounding the independence debate.

And the SNP’s Research and Rebuttal Unit will be regularly adding to new leaflets and expanding our Q&A articles.

As the largest and most successful pro independence party, it is the SNP’s duty to arm activists with the resources needed for the doorsteps in communities across Scotland and online – and to make a renewed case for independence – but it is all of our duty to use those resources and share them as widely as possible.

Together, we will deliver independence for Scotland.