Policy Area

An Introduction

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Why is the UK in decline?

Westminster is presiding over a stagnant economy, falling living standards and skyrocketing inequality. Under both Labour and the Tories, Scotland has suffered the consequences of their misrule for far too long.

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How is Westminster a threat to your pension?

Pensions in the UK are an embarrassment – and thanks to Westminster, they’re under threat.

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Why are mortgages rising?

Families have been hit with higher mortgages because of a hard Brexit and a reckless Tory government, neither of which Scotland voted for.

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How are real wages declining in the UK?  

Decisions in London have seen Scottish wages fall – Brexit and austerity have made this economic malaise even worse.

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Why did the pound get weaker?

The pound has been in a downward spiral on Westminster’s watch – meaning a lower standard of living and tough choices for Scottish families.

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How is Brexit impacting the cost of living?

Scotland overwhelmingly rejected this damaging Brexit – so why do the Westminster parties force us to suffer the consequences of their mistakes?

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Why is the UK so unequal?

Austerity, Brexit, economic incompetence and an out-of-touch Westminster bubble have left the UK to become one of the most unequal nations in Europe. We can do better than this.

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